As you know – nobody is perfect. Moreover, people by their nature can not call themselves as such. Probably that is why more and more people visiting plastic surgeons to make their body looks perfect. Overwhelming majority of them are first-tier stars, among which also applies Sarah Jessica Parker, which became widely known, primarily due to shooting in the series of Sex and the City (1998–2004).
Sarah Jessica Parker was born in March 25, 1965 and in this time and currently represents herself as actress, producer, model, and fashion and fragrance designer. Her hometown is Nelsonville, Ohio. Sarah Jessica Parker mom – Barbara Parker, was working as a nursery school operator and teacher, while father – Stephen Parker, was trying to make some money, working as journalist. In spite of the good relationship between family members, after a certain period of time, her parents divorced. First time, Sarah Jessica Parker was trying to find herself in singing and ballet, and was soon cast in the Broadway revival of William Archibald’s The Innocents. Her new family moved to Cincinnati and after that to Dobbs Ferry, New York. That is where, she first feel herself as an young actress. In 1977, she was selected for a role in Broadway musical Annie and after shooting of this production – ended, she began to cast in co-lead of the CBS sitcom Square Pegs. Many modern experts believe that this role a
llowed her to convey the character of Carrie Bradshaw, that we are able to witness in the series of Sex and the City (1998–2004).
One of the most famous films, in which she was starring in, is Sex and the City, thanks to it, she become widely known in differents part of our modern world. Moreover, after a certain period of time she won an Emmy Award for her lead role in it. Despite the fact that she become widely first of all because of Sex and the City, she said that in the future, she would never do a television show again.
Sarah Jessica Parker photo Before & After
For the last time, mass media started to talk about plastic surgery of Sarah Jessica Parker. Indeed, if we compare her baby pictures, with that were made a few months ago, we can contemplate the fact that her face has changed significantly. Nonetheless, in any interview she never talked about her plastic. It is therefore possible, that rhinoplasty was performed, but the result was quite
unnoticeable. But the face of the actress adjusted. How else we can explain the mysterious disappearance of a mole from her chin. Why Parker did it – is not very clear, because as her famous nose, a mole has become its hallmark, and perhaps even a talisman. If crowds of fans precipitated heroine of “Sex and the City” in spite of a small flaw on the face, we think that she could not touch a mole.
However, we can not say that these operations have worsened the appearance of her face.
Video: 73 Things You Never Knew About Sarah Jessica Parker