Date of Birth: February 12, 1988 (28 years)
Height: 5 ft 5 in (1.65m)
Weight: 110 pounds (50 kg)
Adrien Brody body measurements:
Feet size: 8,5 (US)/ 39(EU)
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Black
Fans of Harry Potter, how many of us are here?
If you’ve seen recent selfies of Padma Patil (Afshan Azad), I’m sure, you were totally surprised. She looks amazing!
How did this young girl managed to transform into a hot-looking woman?
Actually, it seems that there are a lot of people who just envy her, and leave offensive comments below her photos. Nevertheless, Afshan behaves distinctly and reacts with cool calmness.
The point is the following.
You might think that the sticking difference is the result of Dark Magic, but it’s not. According to many sources, the transformation is nothing but face contouring.
The difference in the actress’s appearance is so unbelievable, that a lot of people still doubt whether it was she who played in HP.
As it appeared, the young star mastered her make-up skills, especially contouring.
Many jokes are spread around the internet. People say that Ron might grudge, because he ignored Padma at the ball. Now she looks like a super-model. Her almond-shaped eyes and impeccable complexion make her even more popular.
Impressive cheekbones are not the result of a plastic surgery. Afshan shut down all the gossips and explained that you just need some training in make-up skills and you’ll have the same result.
Who knows…Maybe contouring and highlighting is really enough.
Her celeb transformation boomed the internet complementing the shock caused by the new appearance of Neville Longbottom (Matthew Lewis). When we saw his pictures, we sat motionless for several minutes. Can it be real??? It’s just impossible that a person can change in thus different way.
All in all, we hope that their new look will bring them only pleasure and benefit. They are young and full of energy for new performances.