Date of Birth: 11 May, 1894
Date of Death: 1 April, 1991 (Aged: 96)
Height: 150 cm (4 ft 11)
Weight: 45 kg (99 pounds)
Eye color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
“Dancing is the mysterious language of the body”, these words legendary Martha Graham used to tell to her students from the dancing school.
She made a long way in the precious and fragile world of dance, starting from a small pupil and ending with a strict dancing teacher.
Martha Graham is called now a mother of modern dance, but later, when she showed her masculine movements on the stage, she was called freak and terrible.
Martha liked beautiful movements from the earliest age. Her father, a doctor, developed his method of physical movements, which helped to cure various mental disorders. George Graham used to tell that movements never lie and it is possible to get rid of all fears and problems, when you move.
His daughter, Martha, knew from the earliest years that moving is necessary for mental and physical health, but she fell in love with exercising even more, when she saw a dancer, Ruth Denis, on the stage. From that moment the girl started to beg her parents to send her to dancing school, but Mr. and Mrs. Graham refused, because they considered dancing as something too light minded. Good girls from noble families don’t go in for dancing.
After her father’s death, Martha Graham decided to enter Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts, where she made her first steps as a professional dancer. After graduating from college Martha was ready to surprise the world. She worked in several dancing schools, including Greenwich Village Follies, when finally founded her own company and made a career of a solo dancer.
At first “Martha Graham Dance Company” just copied the ideas of Martha’s great teachers, but a little later an instant dancer showed her skills.
Martha Graham technique till now is studied in details at dancing schools. The dancing star managed to become popular not just as a dancer, but also as a scriptwriter and actress. Till know we watch such her screen works as “Heretic”, “Appalachian Spring” and many others.
Martha Graham had great well shaped body till the moment of her death. The star had no special secrets and hated too strict diets. Like her father many years ago, she believed in endless power of movements.
So if you want to look better, just dance!