Weight: 89 kg
Height: 169 cm
Date of birth: September 15, 1963 (Age 53)
It is hard for everyone to make career in our cruel world. It is hard for a man, even if he is talented, to occupy some solid position in his area of work. It is twice more hard for a woman to become successful. Possible First Lady Mary Pat Christie tells how she managed to become a successful business woman, a good wife and a mother.
Mary Pat Foster Biography
Mary Pat Foster was born in 1963 in Paoli, Pennsylvania. She was a talented pupil, that’s why after graduation she entered University of Delaware. There she met her future husband. Chris Christie biography was connected with politics since his youth. In the University he was a student body president. Thus Mary Pat started to support her husband in his career just from the very beginning. In 1986 they got married. Mary Pat Christie was successful at bond trading. She started to work at Angelo, Gordon & Co. She was a hard working business lady. Besides she found enough time in her busy life to become a good mother. Mary Pat Christie bio includes two roles – of a business woman and of a mother. She has two daughters and two sons. They are Bridget, Patrick, Sarah and Andrew. Later Pat Christie has become the First Lady in New Jersey. She had a lot of new duties and that’s why she decided to quit her job. It was a hard decision for her, but her husband, Chris, told, he was happy to hear that. He feels more self confident, when his wife is near.
In fact, Mrs. Christie has a great influence on her husband. She is a clever woman and that’s why very often Chris asks her opinion. He makes his political decisions, paying attention to his wife’s ideas too.
Even now Governor Christie wife is busy enough. She runs three foundations in New Jersey and she is proud of her work there.
Thus, she founded New Jersey Heroes in 2010. The main aim of this organization is to find people, who did a lot for New Jersey and to award them (or their families). It is not easy to find heroes of the state, but Mary Pat has already spent $1 million to praise heroes she managed to find.
The other her foundation is Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund. She founded it in 2012 to support victims of hurricane and members of their families.
The other non-profit organization of Mary Pat is the Drumthwacket Foundation. Thus the woman works from morning till night. Now her husband made up his mind to run for Presidency. Mary Pat as wife of presidential candidate supports his decision.
Domestic Violence Public Service Announcement featuring NJ First Lady Mary Pat Christie
Why She Supports Her Husband’s Campaign
In fact, it is not the first campaign of her husband that Mary Pet used to support.
In 1983 she helped Chris Christie to become the student body president. Chris met Mary Pat in the university. He noticed, the girl was clever and she could articulate rather well. He offered Mary Pat to become his secretary. Thus she helped Chris to become the president in their University. Later they started dating and soon Chris proposed Mary Pat.
Mary Pat is the ninth of ten children in her family. From the very childhood she learnt, that a big family is a good thing. Her mother taught Mary Pat that the wife must always support her husband. Probably, it is the reason, why Mrs. Christie helps Chris to make his career as a politician.
At the same time, Mary Pat is a mother. She always finds enough time for her children.
How Mary Pat Manages Her Time
Mary Pat told in her interviews, that in spite of her husband’s career and her own duties, she has always been a good mother. It was important for her to remain “a normal family” in spite of hectic schedule she and her husband had at work.
Thus they have a tradition. They arrange a big family dinner on Sunday night and one evening during the working week. Mary pat says, in spite of all duties, her husband, she and their four children gather together at a big family table. It is the most pleasant time of the week for her. They share their news and eat excellent food that Mrs. Christie cooks herself. In fact, Mary Pat is a great cook. She cooks various meat dishes, fries and desserts of course. Probably, tasty cuisine of Mrs. Christie is the reason of overweight, her own and her husband’s. But they seem not to care about it.
The Secret of Their Happiness
Chris and Mary Pat Christie are a happy family. Very often they are asked how they managed to keep their family hearth. Chris Christie told, his mother used to teach him, how to become happy in personal life. Sondra Christie told, people always have to choose, if they become loved or respected. She advised her son to deserve respect, not love. She told, if you have respect, you will be loved too. But if you are loved without respect, this love will disappear soon.
Mary Pat and Chris built their family based on respect and love. It is the secret of their long time successful marriage.
Mary Pat is going to support her husband in his race for presidency. Who knows, maybe she helps Chris Christie one more time to become a president.
Chris Christie’s wife is REALLY EXCITED about his presidential campaign