Date of Birth: 23 February, 1965 (Age: 51)
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Michael Dell is an American businessman and Chief Executive of Dell Inc. His body measurements were not publicized but he seems to be of average height and weight. Michael Dell is a busy person, who shares his free time between career and family life. In his middle age Michael remains strong and active. What does an entrepreneur do to remain healthy, strong and active every single day?
Michael Dell was born in Houston, Texas in a family of an orthodontist (father) and stockbroker (mother). His parents wanted Michael to become a doctor, but the boy was not interested in medicine. He liked gadgetry. At the age of 15 Michael bought new Apple computer with the only aim – to disassemble it into parts and to understand, how it works.
The boy was ready to work from his teens to earn money for his hobbies. Thus he washed the dishes in the nearest restaurant to buy new stamps for his collection and looked for new subscribers of the Houston Post. Thus he managed to earn $18, 000, being just a school pupil.
When Michael entered the University of Texas, he was ready to start his own business. Dell upgraded computers, his own and his co-students. He understood the main secret of success. Most of companies, who sold computers in 1980-s, worked indirectly and it made new gadgets extremely expensive. Dell sold computers directly to his clients. He stayed in connection with the computer owners and thus got feedback immediately. He improved his devices according to his clients’ demands. Soon his business became so successful, that Dell dropped his University and concentrated on his new occupation. He founded his own company the Dell Computer Corporation, which later was renamed for Dell Inc. The small company soon developed into a huge computer monster, which made Michael Dell the youngest among executives of Fortune 500 list.
Michael Dell’s company has offices in more than 34 countries worldwide. Dell Inc. exists for more than 30 years now. It occupies the rightful place among the most successful companies in the world like General Electric or Wal-Mart. A businessman Michael Dell is ready to share the secrets of his success. He published a book, named “Direct from Dell: Strategies That Revolutionized the Industry”, where he shared his business strategy.
Michael Dell cares not just about his business, but about personal life too. He is married Susan Dell since 1989 and the couple has 4 children.
Michael Dell tries to stay fit. He works out every day in his home gym. The businessman likes to train alone and to concentrate on each exercise, that’s why he trains at home. He wears fitness tracker to control his measurements every minute.