Date of Birth: 27 June, 1986 (Age: 29)
Height: 180 cm (5 ft 11)
Weight: 83 kg (182 pounds)
Sam Claflin measurements:
Feet size: 10 US (45 EU)
Eye color: Green
Hair Color: Fair
Do you know Sam Claflin? If not, than where have you been before? He participated in really great movies like “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”, “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”, “Love, Rosie” and many others.
Sam Claflin has a great red carpet ready body. He is tall, his body is fat free and chiseled. What does he do to look so great?
In fact, he was interested in sports from his childhood. Sam liked playing football and dreamed to devote his life to playing this popular game. But Sam hurt his leg once and doctors forbade him playing football. The boy concentrated on making career of an actor.
But sport is an important part of his life till now. He feels bad, if he had to miss the training. The young actor tries to eat the right food too.
Although sport is an inseparable part of his life and he is in great shape, nevertheless Sam always hires a personal trainer to be ready to the new movie. Thus he trained 6 hours daily, when the actor was going to portray Finnick Odair in a popular franchise “The Hunger Games”. He did various kinds of strength exercises. His training lasted from 45 minutes to one hour daily. Me Before You actor had to do cardio workouts as well. He worked so hard that his breathing became heavy and his muscles hurt. But it was the only way to look natural in the role of Finnick.
Of course, Sam Claflin had to keep to a strict diet. He was not fat, but his main task was to gain muscle mass. The actor refused from sweets and junk food. He felt upset because of it. Sam is known as a great lover of cakes and candies.
He had five meals every day. The fellow started his day from a nourishing breakfast. As usual he ate scrambled eggs and fresh vegetables. Then he had a short snack, which consisted of almonds. Then the star had dinner. Very often he had boiled potato for dinner, hot and fat free.
Then Sam had another snake. He ate an apple or an orange. Finally Sam ate meat for supper.
The actor tries not to overeat. At the same time he thinks, that to be hungry all the time is not a good idea. If he feels, that his body needs one more meal per day, he has it. He trusts his body and knows that it is necessary to eat more, if he feels hungry. But he eats just healthy food.
With the help of his personal trainer and his persistent work, an actor Sam Claflin looks hot on the screen and feels confident, when he plays shirtless.
Try his regime to have the body, like him!