Date of Birth: 21 March, 1986 (Age: 30)
Height: 180 cm (5 ft 11)
Weight: 83 kg (185 pounds)
Hair Color: Brownish-red
Eye Color: Green
They say “human evolution sometimes takes a break”. This phrase means that the best actors and singers, the most successful entrepreneurs and politicians, always have untalented children. And they look like a pale copy of their famous parents.
Of course, this statement is arguable, and if you have some extra time, you may share your ideas on the topic in comments. Do children of talented parents really deserve their fame and salary? Or they just use the background their parents created for them?
Scott Eastwood is the son of a famous father. Oscar winning actor and film director Clint Eastwood played one more important role in his life – he played the role of a father. And the result of his hard work is his son Scott Eastwood, who is making career as an actor just now.
“He looks so damn good!”, “He looks like his father!” – The young fans of Scott Clinton like the charismatic fellow with ideal body measurement (Scott Eastwood height and weight can serve as a sample to young people of his age). He has great abs and he workouts together with his famous father. But Scott tells, that “Father’s abs always looks better!”
The young star Scott Eastwood can boast with some successful screen roles. “The Longest Ride”, “Fury”, “and Diablo” – his resume looks impressive in his comparatively young age. But spectators sound out-and-out in their comments:
“Scott: If it weren’t for your daddy, you would be a garbage collector and no one would know of you!”
“Must be nice to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. All opportunities for this kid were already there the day he was born!”
Of course, Scott feels uncomfortable listening to such comments. But he tries not to read them and just does his job as good as he can. He is still a bachelor and has a lot of free time to care about himself. He tries to eat the right food and to train a lot.
Keep in mind that Scott Eastwood is physically active. He likes to stay outdoors. In his free time the young star does skiing, skating, he plays basketball and tennis, runs a lot.
His workouts include arm exercises, leg exercises, abs exercises and lots of cardio.
The fellow doesn’t keep to a diet, but he has mesomorph body type and people with such body can gain weight easily. If you are of similar weight and height, like Scott Eastwood, you should keep away from junk food as you will become fat in a couple of weeks. Try to include proteins in your day ration and eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. Stay strong and never give up!
Scott Eastwood Bull Rides in Real Life