Vin Diesel Parents:
Irving Vincent (stepfather), Delora Vincent (mother)
Vin Diesel Siblings:
Paul Vincent (brother, his twin), Samantha Vincent (stepsister)
Vin Diesel Marital Status:
in relationship
Vin Diesel Long-term partner:
Paloma Jiménez
Vin Diesel Children:
1. Hania Riley Sinclair (daughter with Paloma Jiménez)
2. Pauline Sinclair (daughter with Paloma Jiménez)
3. Vincent Sinclair (son with Paloma Jiménez)
Vin Diesel, or Mark Sinclair Vincent, is now the most handsome man on the screen. It is hard to believe, that in his childhood a future star was too tall and lean and girls didn’t like him.
Vin Diesel had never known his biological father. Even later, when he grew up and wanted to meet his dad, his mother Delora, didn’t open her mystery – the name of her ex-boyfriend and father of her two sons, Mark and Paul.
Paul is Vin’s twin, but the brothers look completely different. Now Paul earns his living as a film editor.
When Paul and Vin were 3 years old, his mother got married. Thus, the star Vin Diesel was brought up by a stepfather Irving Vincent, whom he considered as his real dad.
Vin’s family was very poor and the boys couldn’t have toys and clothes like other children had. Dolora was an astrologer and psychiatrist, but her earning were low. Irving was a University teacher, and he earned enough but he had two daughters from the previous marriage, Samantha and Paula, whom he had to support.
Thus Vin couldn’t get a baseball ball to play or a ticket to visit a match, but he could easily spend the whole day, training, running and jumping. Thus Vin Diesel started to develop his great physical shape.
The ticket to the cinema was not expensive, that’s why the future star spent a lot of time, watching numerous movies and then discussing them. Thus he got closer to his profession.
Vin Diesel liked his parents, brothers and sisters. He dreamed to become a family man. But he had never been married officially. In 2007 Vin Diesel met a model Paloma Jiménez. Soon Paloma got pregnant and the couple moved together, but Vin didn’t propose to his girlfriend. In 2008 Vin’s first child, a daughter Hania, was born. Two years later the couple welcomed a son, Vincent, and in March, 2015 the daughter Pauline was born. Vincent named her after his late friend an actor Paul Walker.
Vin and his partner, Paloma used to live a happy life. But recently the rumors about their split appeared. They say, Vin cheated the mother of his children. Paloma Jiménez, who previously left her career, now is going to come back to the catwalk.