Date of birth: May 30, 1974 (Age: 43 years)
Height: 5’6” (168 cm)
Weight: 260 pounds (118 kg)
Hair color: Bald
Eye color: Dark brown
We got used that to show business go only beautiful and slender people. However, it is easy to get lost in these ranges of handsome people – they look so much alike at times. Our acticle’s character can be recognized at a glance. He is unique. There is no one like him.
Frankly speaking, it does not matter that the figure of CeeLo Green is far from perfect.
This person has proved that it is possible to become a star with any appearance – there should just be a talent. For great talent and charisma we really love him.
This charming cloudy man and a great singer is adored by everyone from young to old (even kids listen to his songs). This weight issue was successfully used by the American producer Danger Mouse, when in 2006 he created his project Gnarls Barkley.
Green with his unusual and touching soul vocal perfectly fit into the project and thanks to the hit Crazy the band “thundered” all over the world. This success also contributed to the solo career of the musician, whose signature card was a broad, kind-hearted smile.
For the fans of Green’s talent the information about the fact that in his youth Cee Lo was in a street gang and traded by the robbery of passers-by became an unpleasant surprise. Though, his talent helped to get rid of that fact.
In 2013, the singer decided to improve his health and body shape. He paid much attention to what and when he ate and managed to lose a few kilos. It was just the beginning, but it turned out to be too hard, so after a while we noticed that Cee Lo gradually came back to his previous shape.
In 2015, however, the celebrity seemed to forget about his size completely. That year he was blamed for extremely huge size and excess weight. Having relaxed for a few months, Cee Lo Green came back to idea of weight loss.
Last year he announced about the complete change of his views. The singer realized that he was getting older and he can’t allow himself everything he could in youth. He started watching the food he eats and its amount. You wonder why?
He had a great support. His fiancée was determined to help Cee Lo and to support him on that hard way. Shani James was very conscious about the food she ate and Cee Lo adopted that habit. Now, he doesn’t think that healthy eating is that boring and difficult.