Donald Trump is a celebrity in the full sense of this word. Every day he gives paparazzi the reasons to take pictures of him and to write about him. Everyone wants to know, what is in his wallet, who is in his bed, and what way he does his hair. Yes, Donald Trump hairstyle is the most discussed thing in social media.
It is rumored Donald Trump bald and there’s even a story, published in press long ago that one day during the golf play Donald Trump toupee fell down and it was noticeable, the star had no hair. But in his recent TV interview Donald Trump swore, his hair is real. To prove Donald Trump hair real, he invited the woman from the audience and asked her to touch his hair, pass her fingers through it in order to prove, it is not a wig.
He also told that he had great hairline, but never cared about his haircut. Every day he just washes hair daily with Head and Shoulders Shampoo and then dries it out in a natural way. After that Donald Trump haircut is combed and the celebrity is ready to work.
Donald Trump Hair Changing
To see the way Donald Trump hair was changing during the years of his career, let’s consider his most famous hair looks.
1. Donald Trump swears that comb-over hairstyle is the style he got used to from the earliest years. The pictures prove it. The businessman became popular in his late 30-s and his photos gradually started to appear in press. On most photos of those days (1983-1986) he appeared with the light brown quite sick hair of an average length. The comb-over style was with him.
2. In 1986 Donald Trump net worth was growing rapidly. He made great profitable deals. For example, he bought a hotel in Atlantic City and named it Trump Plaza Hotel. Probably, he was shocked by his financial success and it made him to light up his hair. That year the businessman was close to blond color. He started to comb bangs to the right side.
3. Four years later Donald was announced as a bankrupt. Probably, it was the reason, why he didn’t care about his haircut at all. His man-bob became too long and it seemed that Donald didn’t do his hair at all.
4. In 1992 things turned from bad to good. Gradually Donald coped with his debts. He was going to marry his second wife, Marla Maples. That period his coiffure remained quite long. He chose brown color for his hair with some red tint.
5. Continuing the topic of red hair, Donald Trump got absolutely golden to his 50 year old jubilee. His bank accounts were full of gold too. He paid all the debts and became rich again. His personal life became problematic that year. He was going to file for divorce with Marla.
Related: Donald Trump`s family members
6. In 1999 Donald Trump photos appeared in press again. It was connected with his idea to run for presidency for the first time. The businessman then withdrew his candidacy. But his hairstyle was noticed and described ironically in press. His dirty brown color was named “the color of baby poop” and his bangs combed to the right were laughed out.
7. Five years later Donald Trump became not just a real estate star but a television star as well. He started his show “The Apprentice”. Gradually he was getting older and his thick hair was getting thinner. Donald Trump hair color was shocking to some extent. It was almost green.
8. In 2005 the television star and businessman was going to get married for the third time. Probably, the thoughts of his previous marriage made him come back to the golden color of his hair. His hair continued getting thinner. It made him add some extra volume with the hair spray.
9. Five years later Donald Trump was doing rather well. His business was flourishing, his wife was wonderful. He became the father again. In 2006 his son Barron was born. Donald Trump’s show “The Apprentice” got high ratings. He got Honorary D.B.A (Doctor of Business Administration). Probably, his success inspired him to change the hairstyle. He made triangle haircut. The color was close to blond.
10. In 2013 Donald Trump was captured by “silver” mania. Started by Kelly Osbourne, the tradition to create silver locks was followed by Rihanna and Cara Delevigne. Donald Trump liked this idea too. That year he had shining silver hair of a middle length. Probably, it was one of the best his hair looks.
Not long ago the candidate gave a public promise to have free hair style if he is chosen as the President. He told, it took several hours per day to wash and comb his hair and he plans to spend this time in a more useful way.
It is rumored that Donald Trump hair transplant. Probably, it is the reason, why he tries to comb it back all the time. But this version has a contradiction. To comb his hair in that way Donald Trump got used in his early 20-s. Probably, he is just the lover of that hairstyle and that’s why he doesn’t change it for years.
The other people say, he does his hair in that way to hide the scar. It is rumored, the scar is the result of unsuccessful plastic operation. True it or not, the candidate insists, his hair is real and he just washes it daily – that’s all.
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