Date of birth: February 18, 1925

Date of death: February 28, 2016 (Aged 91)

Full name: George Harris Kennedy Jr.

Born place: New York City, New York, USA

Height: 6’ 4½” (194 cm)

Weight: 230 lbs (104 kg)

Hair color: Brown/Grey

Eye color: Dark Brown

George Kennedy's height, weight and age

George Kennedy was an actor of excellence, evident by his Academy Award win and 2 Golden Globe and Laurel Awards nominations each. He featured in over a century of films and television series during his life after a stint as a military combatant and consultant.

Born to show performers parents, his first experience as a performer was as early as 2 years old, touring with the stage play, Bringing Up Father. He worked as a DJ on a New York radio station at age 7 and joined the U.S. Army at age 16 and even rose to the position of captain before his medical discharge in the 50s. He served as a military consultant and starred as a MP on The Phil Silvers Show in the late 50s.

His most famous role (which won him his Oscar) was in the 1967 film, Cool Hand Luke but also gained renown for his roles Charade (1963), in all Airport films (1970-79) and in his later years, in the comic films, Naked Gun (1988-94). He also starred in Dallas (1988-91) and in the spinoff TV films.

George was more-or-less a giant. His naturally tall, large physique was further enhanced by his time in the military and this led to him given villainous roles and being typecast in his films as a thug/bully, regardless of his off-screen reputation of a nice, charming person. A less-known fact about him was that his right leg became 3 inches longer than his left leg after his time in WWII.

Going further on his physical attributes, George was a blonde in his earlier years before he began graying and rarely sported a beard.

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