Date of Birth: 25 September, 1968 (Age: 48)
Height: 188 cm (6 ft 2)
Weight: 82 kg (181 pounds)
Will Smith body measurements:
Chest size: 42 in (107 cm)
Waist size: 84 cm (33 in)
Biceps: 41 cm (16 in)
Eye color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Black
“Will Smith’s the best. So funny!”
“Who thinks Will Smith looks da bomb?”
He is known as a great comedian actor, but he is good in action too. The fans like him for his light minded look and easy play. It seems that a great actor Will Smith is always relaxed and free, although his life is full of hard work and care about his children (Will is the father of three).
He participated in more than 200 movies and TV series, most of which became real box office hits. “The Pursuit of Happiness”, “Seven Pounds”, “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”, “Hancock” and many others – the movie list of an actor can be enumerated for ages. Soon we will see our favorite actor as Deadshot in “Suicide Squad”.
Will Smith has never been applied to school, but was extremely talented in various kinds of activities. The boy was great not just in acting, but in singing too. He has released several music videos.
Will Smith has great physiques. He has a tall and slim body, the actor is well ripped and he moves rapidly and gracefully. We admired his fast movements in most part of his movies.
To remain strong and active in his not so young age, an actor and a father of three children workouts regularly. Will Smith hired a personal trainer, who helps him to stay fit. Darrell Foster is the person, who is responsible for the great body of Will Smith.
Like any other actor, Will plays different roles and his body must change according to his character too.
Thus he gained some extra weight, when filmed “All of Us”, but then had to lose it rapidly to take part in his next movie “I, Robot!”
To get ripped Will worked out six times per week. He did lots of core exercises – thus it was prescribed for him by his personal trainer, Darrell Foster, to lose belly fat.
The Men in Black star says that it’s preferable to increase the weight of rising shells for each set. For maximum productivity you should find out the maximum raise weight for each exercise and then lift about 60%-80% of it during each set.
It’s quite enough to train for 4-6 hours a week to look like Will, but just training will not be enough. Diet plays an important role. Let’s take a look at it.
Will Smith`s diet plan for toned body.
Will Smith eats mostly protein and carbohydrate products that are very useful for the process of muscle recovery after workouts. For the role in the movie Ali he needed to gain about 15 kg of muscles, with it no fat! To achieve this, he ate with small portions for 6-8 times a day and supplemented his diet with protein shakes and creatine. However, he did not exclude carbohydrates from his diet of as they are necessary to maintain life processes and for the development of the organism in general.
Besides, he has also completely forgotten about fast food and other junk food in order to clean his body of toxins contained in such food.
From the moment when Will started gaining his muscle mass, he accelerated his metabolism. Thus, the actor began burning more calories. This has contributed to the development of the muscles relief, which the actor can boast of today.
It was a great discovery how serious Will felt about training process. We believe that this is a very good example to follow.