Date of birth: April 20, 1889
Date of death: April 30, 1945 (56 years)
Height: 5ft 8 in (173 cm)
Weight: 160 pounds (72 kg)
Adam Lambert body measurements:
Shoe/feet: 13,5 (US)/47 (EU)
Hair colour: Black
Eye Color: Blue
If you ask who is the most hated person in the world’s history, in most cases you’ll be answered “Adolf Hitler”.
Being one of the most aggressive dictators in the world, Adolf Hitler spent all his time controlling his territories. But did he control his own body?
As you know, there is a controversy between the leader and his army. The first one has everything what he wants on his table, while the troops have nothing to eat. We can divide the leaders into 2 parts: those who eat simple food and those who drink and eat only the richest products.
Did you know that Hitler was a vegan?
Adolf Hitler suffered from indigestion and gas. These problems convinced him to become a vegetarian. At the end of his life his indigestion brought him in such condition that he restricted his diet to plain soup and mashed potatoes.
But it’s not the only one surprise about this person.
Before becoming a vegetarian, Adolf used to have some carnivorous instincts. In 30-s he ordered for dinner exotic dishes – pigeon stuffed with nuts and liver.
I guess you heard about his paranoia. He forced 15 girls to sample every his meal, because he was always afraid to be poisoned.
Despite this fact, Hitler didn’t keep a healthy lifestyle.
The Nazi party promoted a cult of fitness, but Hitler himself didn’t go in for sport. His only activities were walking around the room and outside the house.
Moreover, Adolf Hitler was a drug addict. 20 pills per day couldn’t but influence his health and general condition. Methamphetamines were a drop in the sea. Every morning and evening, Adolf used to take injections.
Finally, there are some gossips that say that Hitler was the first user of steroids.