Date of Birth: 12 July, 1937 (Age: 80)
Height: 185 cm (6 ft 1 in)
Weight: 84 kg (185 pounds)
Bill Cosby body measurements:
Shoe Size: 11 (US)/44 (EU)
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Grey
“Oh @Google can you please take my picture off of “Bills Cosby’s” net worth search”, thus wrote a famous comic Kevin Hart on his page in Twitter.
Kevin, who admires a standup comedian Bill Cosby professionally, doesn’t want to be mixed up with him. And there’s a reason for it!
A comedian, who has great body (Bill Cosby height and weight are ideal for a man), who is handsome, who has great sense of humor and who is extremely rich, raped about 60 women, adding drugs to their drinks.
Bill, who had never kept to a diet, but who was the fan of sport and that’s why created his well shaped body, was married. He became popular, creating funny simple scenes from a family life. But he was not interested in a family life; he cheated his wife with numerous women.
Bill could easily attract any woman he liked, using his great strong body, but he preferred to tempt ladies after a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, where he added a small doze of Quaaludes, the drug, which made women almost fall asleep. Then the star used the situation, making sex to almost unconscious woman.
New York Magazine supported more than 30 ladies, who tried to accuse Bill Cosby. But they had no serious evidence of the incident, so they couldn’t punish a comic. NYM printed a photo of 40 women on the cover. Thus they showed, they are ready to struggle against rape.
For most of his friends it is hard to believe that Bill Cosby raped those ladies. He was a faithful husband and a father of 4 great daughters. From the very childhood he grew up his daughters in luxury, love and peace. Now the girls are shocked by the accusation his father got from numerous women. One of them was just 15 at the moment of rape.
“I have never given a drug to a woman without her permission”, he used to say. The comic insists, the women knew about the drug in their cups. They were ready to have it and then to relax. But in any case, it looks like Bill Cosby is in great trouble. NBC channel refused from contract with the comic. Even if Cosby proves his innocence, he will have great problems in his work. Probably, his career is over.
The fans of the star support the comic. Many people wrote their supporting letters online and offline in order to show Bill Cosby, they are on his side.
“He was a super cool guy and respectful to all cast, crew and audience” wrote one of his co-workers. People don’t believe Bill Cosby is guilty. Do you?
Now let`s see his eating tips
The main idea in Bill’s convention is that there during the day our body need some “fuel”. For this reason many people consume certain energetic drinks, but they don’t think how they harm their body. Bill Cosby suggests the other idea – eat healthy. The actor says that our body needs carbohydrates and proteins to be active. For this reason Bill keeps a rule to bring a container with meat/poultry/fish and another one with fresh vegetables and fruit. It helps to keep balance.
Bill Cosby is very conscious about teaching what to eat. He insists on the necessity of eating right food. Bill explains that we should not only eat healthy food, but also be very attentive to what we buy; we should know how to read the package properly.
According to Cosby, the proteins should be eaten near 2:30 – that’ll boost the energy.
But what actually made such great lover of fried bacon give up his eating habits?
Bill Cosby confessed it was his doctor who convinced him to change the diet. Bill’s cholesterol level leaved much to be desired, so that put him to the risky position. To stay healthy the comic rejected fatty fried food and as he said he learned only to smell fried sausages, potatoes, eggs and croissants.
What does his current ration consist of?
Today, Bill consumes only healthy food. He prefers eggplant, broccoli and other vegetables, all cooked on a grill. He also eats meat and poultry, but it’s skinless and without any spices.
It’s really hard to believe, but as you see, even a devoted junk food eater can stick to a healthy diet. Bill doesn’t deny the fact that at the very beginning it was hard to resist temptation, but the result is worth it.
Bill Cosby Strikes Back at Heckler Over Rape Allegations