Date of birth: November 20, 1981 (Age: 35 years)
Height: 6’9” (206 cm)
Weight: 258 pounds (117 kg)
Hair color: Bald
Eye color: Dark brown
It goes without saying that throughout the season players of any kind of sport are very organized and keep on training without having days off. Nevertheless, it turns out that even during off-season they have to stay active and keep an eye on their sport routine and, of course, on food they eat.
Carlos Boozer is one of those basketball players who doesn’t accept long breaks from games and has a hectic training schedule in off-season as well.
Every week, Carlos makes sure to have 3 or 4 weight lifting sessions. Beside, jogging and running is essential part of training process. As a good cardio load Carlos Boozer choose swimming. In this activity he has great companions – his children. The family does swimming together either in their pool or at the beach.
As part of sport routine he did CrossFit for a while.
System of circular training CrossFit appeared in the US as a fire fighting training system, but it quickly gained worldwide popularity outside the profession.
CrossFit is a circular training (that is, the exercises are constantly repeated, as if closing into a chain), which consists in performing a certain set of exercises in the minimum time. It has fundamental differences from usual circular training.
Firstly, the complex uses loads aimed at the development of several physical qualities, such as strength, endurance and dexterity. In connection with this training on the system of CrossFit is usually divided into three parts: weightlifting, gymnastics and cardio.
Secondly, these exercises do not involve isolated exercises, both on simulators and with free weight. In CrossFit training is the most functional.
To let body rest from usual playing load, Carlos Boozer does yoga in off-season. Though, it’s not a common yoga type, but AcroYoga. Haven’t you heard about it?
A symbiosis of things that are incompatible at first sight: traditional yoga, about the positive effects of which everyone has heard; health practices such as Thai massage, regenerating the body and giving comfort; acrobatics with its dynamics and power, capable of making you feel more beautiful and strong than ever. All this together is AcroYoga.
AcroYoga is very spectacular. From the outside it looks just like a show. Its essence lies in the interaction of partners: one of them lies on the floor and must provide reliable support to the second one, which hovers above the ground, smoothly changing one posture after another, held in the air only by the limbs of a partner.
It’s really very unusual practice for a basketball player, but seems like it brings positive effect.