Lenny Kravitz Family Parents:
Seymour Kravitz (father), Roxie Roker (mother)
Lenny Kravitz Siblings:
Lenny Kravitz Marital Status:
Lenny Kravitz Wife:
Lisa Bonet (1987-1993)
Lenny Kravitz Children:
Zoë Kravitz (daughter with Lisa Bonet)
Lenny Kravitz was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, because he is the only son of two celebrities. His father, Sy Kravitz, used to be a producer. He worked for NBC channel and produced news programs. Lenny’s mother was a famous actress Roxie Roker, whom we know as Helen Willis from “The Jeffersons”.
Lenny likes to tell about his childhood. His parents were popular and rich and they tried to do everything to make their son happy. The worst impression of Lenny Kravitz from his early years was his parents’ divorce. Sy (Seymour) left the family in 1981 after 19 years of marriage. The reason of divorce was Seymour’s infidelity and Lenny was angry with his dad, who ruined their family. But leaving the house, Sy looked into the eyes of his son and told, “I know, you will do it too!” and later Lenny recollected these words in his mind, when he left his daughter and wife, an actress Lisa Bonet, because of his infidelity.
Lenny Kravitz parents both are not alive already. His mother died in 1995 from breasts cancer and his father died in 2005 from leukemia.
Like his father, Lenny Kravitz, who is currently single, took part in numerous love affairs and was in relationships with actresses, models and singers. He dated Kate Moss, Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue, was engaged to Adriana Lima etc. It seemed that Lenny was not going to create a family and having numerous love affairs was enough for him. But once he finally married.
Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonnet dated for two years, when finally Lenny decided to propose her. The couple got married on the 16th of November, 1987 on Lisa’s 20th birthday. On the 1st of December, 1988 Lisa gave a birth to Lenny’s only daughter, Zoe Kravitz, who is a popular actress now.
Lenny stays in constant contact with Zoe, he supports the girl, gives her advice in career making. Lenny and his ex-wife Lisa are still good friends, although an actress re-married in 2005. Very often Lenny and Lisa can be seen together at various parties, arranged by their daughter. The stars say, they managed to remain friends mostly because of Zoe.
Now Zoe’s acting career becomes more and more successful and her parents are proud of their daughter. Lenny likes his daughter so much and tells that the main aim of his marriage was “to bring this beautiful child to the planet!”