Changes are essential
Everyone of us understands that sometimes the necessity to change something in you stable life becomes obvious. It is necessary to change a lifestyle, habits or image.
Very often we start from the image, because it is the most variable thing and its changing helps to overcome the depression. It is about our celebrities too. Very often we may observe the variations of their emotional style and life disarray which are shown through changing their image.
They may lose or put on weight, change their image and hairdo. Most notably it refers to the hair colour. It may be changed and sometimes on extremely bright tinctures. One more celebrity – Amber Rose also changed her hair color but what made her to do such perceptible changes? Let’s analyze her new hair colour and style.
Amber Rose’s start of career
It is necessary to mention that Amber Rose, in her 30, is deemed to be a famous hip hop model, an actress and a designer in the US. She is from South Pennsylvania and started her career as an exotic dancer, when she was only 15 years old. Later she started working as a model and frequently appeared in advertisements. Her career was successful in some way and in 2012 she opened her own clothing line. She started working with a model agency Ford Models. Also she shot in a reality show Running Russell Simmons.
Speaking about her personal life it bears mentioning that it was bright and full of various emotions. She had boyfriends but a real love she felt when met Wiz Khalifa at the beginning of 2011. He was a famous rapper and soon they engaged and married. They have a son, his name is Sebastian. But soon Amber filed for divorce because she considered that he cheated on her with another woman.
Amber Rose’s image changed after divorce
Speaking about her image it fundamentally changed after divorce. She always cut her hear shortly but recently she changed her blond stubble on a bright shade of blue. She always stood out from the crowd by her look and image but such shocking changes nobody expected.
Again Amber amazed the public by a new look. As usual she kept up with the fashion and appeared in the nightclub in West California with extremely bright blue hair. In the nightclub she came accompanied with two bodyguards.
The society supposed that her image changes reflected her inner emotional state. Recently she shared photos in Instagram and wrote that she regretted about her divorce. She noticed that nobody made her happier than Wiz and he would stay the only real love in her life. Amber is miserable without him. Probably such personal drama became the main reason of her new look. Her new look, blue hair was complemented by bright blue mani and pedicure.
Certainly such changes fit her personality and hope she will not regret about it in future. Maybe after such life troubles she will forgive her adorable husband. Still everyone knows that usually both, husband and a wife may be mistaken and they together have to find the way out.
Photo Before & After
Video: Amber talks sex, plastic surgery, being petty & never dating musicians again