Height: 1.75 m
Age: 53
Her husband, Martin O’Malley, is a politician. Her father used to be politician. But Katie O’Malley tries to avoid participation in political life of her country. She serves as the main judge of Baltimore and she thinks judicial workers must be out of policy. Who is she, potential First Lady of USA?
Katie O’Malley Biography
She was born in 1962 on the 18th of August. Her mother is Barbara Marie Atkins and her father is Joseph Curran, Jr. He served as State Attorney.
The girl was from a noble and rich family, so she got great education and up-bringing. Like her father, she got interested in law from her teens. After high school she entered the University of Baltimore. Then she attended law school and met the fellow student from University of Maryland. It was Martin O’Malley.
Mrs. Martin is 53 now, she is a strong and well educated woman, but till now she can’t help smiling when she reminds her first date with Martin.
Her friend told that “one fellow” wanted to date with Katie. That fellow was “a great guitarist” and “as handsome as John Kennedy”. Katie agreed to go for a blind date with that mysterious man. She told, Martin had nothing in common with Kennedy and he was not so successful in playing the music, but he was so cute and had great sense of humor, so she agreed for another date.
In 1990 they got married. Just after their marriage Katie got the post of attorney in Baltimore. In 2011 she was appointed as a judge.
From 2007 she became the First Lady of Maryland. Thus Katie serves as a judge and fulfills her duties as the First Lady of Maryland. But her main job, by her own words, is “Mom”. She is a mother of four children, William, Jack, Tara and Grace.
The marriage of Governor O Malley and his wife seems happy enough, but they couldn’t avoid scandals.
Profile: First Lady Katie O’Malley
Scandals in the Life of Katie O’Malley
Katie O’Malley and her husband, Martin O’Malley, appeared in the limelight, when their local TV host, Zade Baderinwa, got pregnant. She told the father of her child is Martin O’Malley, married father and that-time-Mayor of Maryland.
Martin O’Malley denied these rumors. He asked not to hurt his family and insisted these rumors were the result of tricks of his political rivals. Soon Zade Baderinwa was hurt by the unknown car driver, who escaped after the hit. The TV star lost her child and broke a leg. They say it was a revenge of Katie O’Malley, although it is not proved. But there’s no smoke without fire. Governor Martin O Malley didn’t visit Zade Baderinwa in hospital, where she spent several months. He told he had no relationship with the TV host.
The other scandal is connected with her comment of the law that was not accepted by Democrats. They voted against homosexual marriages. She called them “cowards” and later apologized for her “wrong word”.
Her husband supports homosexual weddings. She tells that as a judge, she thinks, every person should have a right to marry the person one loves – in spite of the sex.
Katie O’Malley is wife of presidential candidate now. She doesn’t take an active part in the campaign of her husband. She tells, juridical code doesn’t allow her to show her political position and to take part in political life. But she has some plans in case if she becomes the next First Lady of USA.
Her Plans if She Becomes the First Lady
Martin O’Malley has a real chance to become the next President in USA. He is good-looking, charismatic and quite popular. In case if he manages to win the race, his wife and four children have to move to White House.
Of course, Katie O’Malley has already thought it over and she is ready for the change. She thinks she should quit her job in case she becomes the First Lady.
She is going to support her husband – in any case as it is the main task of every wife. She hopes to remain a good mother for her children.
Of course, Katie plans, that her duties of the First Lady won’t take too much time and she will have an hour or so per day for her hobbies. Katie likes to go to gym. She is fond of reading. Historical books are her favorite. Besides she likes to go to the beach. Vacations at the beach are her favorite way to relax. From time to time Katie O’Malley likes to refresh her playlist. In her free time she listens to U2 and Citizen Cope.
She told, she likes her profession most of all, but if she could choose another one, she would become an interior designer or kindergarten teacher. Most of all she likes her husband and her children. She denies rumors about her husband unfaith and tells this story was too painful for her teen daughters. They tried to cope with their sorrow, helping their dad with his campaign. They know that his dad is a great person, who loves their mother.
As a judge, Katie dealt with victims of family violence. She hopes to struggle against domestic violence as the First Lady too.
Katie O’Malley is ready for the role of the First Lady. Hopefully, her husband will win.
Children’s Mental Health Matters! Katie O’Malley