Date of birth: February 11, 1972 (Age: 45 years)
Height: 5’9” (175 cm)
Weight: 160 pounds (73 kg)
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Bald
Before his 20th birthday, famous surfer Kelly Slater did not think about what he was eating.
He often thinks, how much better would his life be in adolescence if his diet was then more thoughtful. Kelly never really noticed the link between his nutrition and health, until he got older and started to travel and compete all the time. Then he realized that he is what he eats.
Slater still reads about different diets, nutrition and the effect that food has on the body. Professional athletes should always pay attention to this.
Here is his typical diet when the surfer is on the road:
Kelly eats dried fruits, bananas and dates, basically. More apples and pears. Slater is always looking for fresh vegetables and fruits in local markets. He adores avocado and similar food. He also likes food additives that contain mostly corn, barley, chickpeas, oats, flax seeds, rice. This is the basic food that helps him to recover.
Do you ever think about what you are eating for?
For pleasure? Kelly believes that most of us eat for pleasure. When we go to dinner, we choose what is tastier, but not necessarily what is better and more useful to us. But the main reason for what we eat is to get energy. We need discipline to approach food issues in this way, as well as planning.
The great surfer likes to wake up and immediately drink a cup of hot tea with lemon and maple syrup. During the night digestive processes occur in the body, and it is very good to cheer it with a hot liquid.
Kelly does not drink coffee, only if he sometimes stop in Shiba Doriana in Hawaii in winter. He likes Kona coffee – a mixture with chocolate and macadami. Unfortunately, I also have a list of harmful foods that he eats.
As a rule, when Kelly Slater is on a tour, he gets up, pours a cup of hot tea, eats greens, drinks juice, then eats flakes with almonds. However, he does not drink milk, so he uses a substitute, such as almond or coconut milk. The fact that milk is necessary for us to get calcium is complete nonsense. You will get more from green vegetables.
For Kelly there is no better food in the world than avocados. If he could hold out only on this, he would eat chips and guacamole all day long. He makes his own guacamole.
Slater’s favorite meal for dinner is fish and vegetables, and a salad. He eats little of red meat and does not eat pork at all. He eats a lot of chicken and a little of turkey. Kelly loves large salad leaves, but without tomatoes. He has total rejection of tomatoes. And he also loves coconut water, but, as according to his diet he can not mix the consumption of fruits and vegetables, so he drinks it only in the morning in the composition of smoothies or just like that.